Thursday, October 23, 2008

i read some of my friends blog about their attachment is really tough.. but i believe all of us will be able to perserve and endurance for everything!! to be honest i am quite stress as i really don;t want to make too many times of mistake like keying the wrong amount for the guest.. but luckily i had a very nice seniors and colluages ... who did not scold me but to tell me that to be careful.. i really had to thank them for being so patient though i make mistake but i really feel guilty always trouble them.. i cannot always keep asking them as i am scard that they will find it irrtating... so i must really buck up!! i don't want to let them down and myself down.. but i really lack of confidence when it comes to difficult of check in or out... cuz i really don't want to make any mistake... so no matter what happens i really have to buck up and must have confident in my myself...

so my friends and classmates let us move on the positive side and must have faith in ourselves cuz all of us will not be scard but to take up the challenges!!! good luck... anything we can talk to each other and always be with each other

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